原句There was once a dream that was Rome You could only whisper it Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish 直接复制我这段话百度一下就可以检验是否是电影里的台词了,希望对你有帮助首发此;讲述的是朱利乌斯克劳狄乌斯王朝的事罗马时期在欧洲历史上属于古代,而不是中世纪中世纪是在西罗马帝国灭亡以后到文艺复兴以前电影里面有罗马皇帝,说明是帝国时期,不是共和国电影开始时表现的是罗马鼎盛时代的军团战胜;Great Story! Great Writing! Great Acting! Great Directing! Great Score! This movie has it all I especially enjoyed the mood of the film Even though it has a lot of action, there is a subtle elegance;1角斗士英文电影中文观后感 在自由的灵魂前 角斗士断断续续看过有两三遍了,一直有写点感想的欲望前段日子又看了一遍勇敢的心Brave Heart,终于强迫自己坐下来写这篇东西Hail Caesarthose who。