That is how it is with peopleNobody cares how it works as long as it works事情就是这样,只要没出事,人们就不会去管它出自黑客帝国2中议长与尼奥在面对着锡安巨大的机器补给设备时进行的对话在DVD;看来,Neo和Smith正是叔本华的两面,也是导演的两面,也是我的两面任何一个既欣赏叔本华,又敬重佛教的人都会有这样的情况Sati Neo!Oracle I was hoping to have these done before you got here Oh well Sati;Zion! Hear me!锡安的同胞们听我说 It is true what many of you have heard你们所听说的大部分都是真的 The machines have gathered an army, and as I speak电脑召集的机器兵团 that army is drawing;然后男人说“要有光”他就被恩赐了光,热,磁,重力以及整个宇宙的能量。