Park There is a park near my homeThere are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the parkSo many people go to the park to enjoy their weekendsThey like walking or having a picnic in the;1首先在手抄报的上方写出主题,在右下角写上“ABC”三个字母,给字母画上眼睛,画一个大的边框,在边框的右下角画上三支铅笔2接着在边框的外围画上大小不一的五角星,一份简单的英语手抄报版面设计就完成了3;写作思路及要点审清题目,确定中心,选择材料1 Learning a foreign language cannot be interrupted for a day If there is really no time, even squeeze out ten minutes every day The morning is a good。