成哥 备几句你 全部我偶像电影好过果d人复制,我自己打嘎 Everything that has a beginning has an end 万物有始必有终 黑客帝国There#39s only two men I trust One is me The other is not you。
287 002656,400 002658,390 I remember288 002659,270 002701,670 I remember you used to dance289 002703,310 002706,570 I remember you were pretty good290 00。
黑客帝国中的经典对白一黑客帝国The Matrix是我非常喜欢的一部电影,前前后后看了不下10遍,它的续集矩阵重装The Matrix Reloaded矩阵革命The Matrix Revolution也看了35。
somebody tell meWhy it feels more real when i dream than wh 这一句最后不完整 翻译有人告诉我,为什么当我做梦时要比···感觉更加真实···中估计指的是 清醒状态下How can i know if my senses。
Oracle That#39s it That#39s the secret You#39ve got to use your handsSati Why?Oracle Cookies need love like everything does饼干也需要爱!先知开始教Sati那些人类的情感先知教的这种爱是博爱,这一点叔本华。